Friday, November 13, 2009

Jack's Pick: Crochet Chocolate Truffles from Duncan Creative

Each Friday I select an item created by a member of the Rochester NY Etsy Street Team (RNEST). What criteria do I use? I look for great looking items that I think are well made offered for a great price!

This week I have selected Crochet Chocolate Truffles from RNEST member karenswimmer of Duncan Creative!

OK, first off, who doesn't like chocolate? Well, I do know a few people who don't, but they are in the minority. Secondly, who doesn't think these are soooo cute. I mean crocheted food just brings out the kid in you!

Karen Swimmer of Duncan Creative does an amazing job taking yarn and making it look appetizing. She has a wide variety of food items in her etsy shop, and I always love looking at it, like walking through a grocery store. Of coure, I love watching the Food Network, so maybe I'm a bit obsessed.

Now, I was never into "truffles" until my sisters opened up a chocolate shop in Potsdam, NY, called St. Lawrence Chocolates. They make lots of varieties of truffles, my favorite being the Dark Island Dark truffle, a dark chocolate ganache covered in dark chocolate. Karen's truffles here remind me of these wonderfully tasty creations.

I want to point out one other thing here. Can you believe the prices Karen has on her crocheted food! I mean, I can't buy the real food at these prices! What an incredible value!

Thank you Karen, can't wait to see what comes out of your "kitchen" next!


  1. I love Karen D & her work!!! Calorie free, never stale!

  2. Jack thanks so much for the props!!! I just looked on this for the first time and there I was! Hope all is well with you. Karen
