Monday, August 22, 2011

Make-It Mondays: We Made-it on Etsy!!!

The Rochester NY Etsy Street Team, has been making small waves in the community over the past two years, from newspaper articles, to TV spots and proud representation at many festivals and art markets. In recent months our team has been working on a bigger idea. We wanted to build a sense of creative community in Rochester beyond our group while making our presence known. This led to some grant writing (thanks VERY much to Sarah Goldhawk) and a plan to join forces with the Hungerford for one month.

And.....(drumroll)..... we made it happen! Here is the article on Etsy announcing August's Etsy Team Grant winners.

We are planning lots of fun including: a First Friday market, swap meet, after market, workshops and even a Halloween shindig.

GO TEAM!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We SO rock!! Thanks everyone who worked so hard to submit the grant paperwork and make this happen! Go RNEST!!
