Monday, August 9, 2010

Make-it Mondays: Makin' it to a Year!

Tonight's meeting marks a year since our street team began meeting face to face. Look back at the second meeting here. A lot of familiar faces are there along with the many fantastic new members who have joined along the way. Let's take a step back to see just how far we've made it.
  1. Membership has doubled, since 2009.
  2. We had our first RNEST Holiday show.
  3. Our blog went from 3 followers to 260 (as of today) and has four weekly writers.
  4. Two of our members created an indie art market and have already scheduled a fall market to augment the first successful one in May.
  5. We've gotten articles in the business section of the Democrat and Chronicle and the Rochester Examiner.
  6. We've become a recognizable force to market organizers who give us early FYI's and discounts to shows.
  7. Tips from meetings and Ning/blog threads have increased individual members sales.
Be proud to be an RNESTer! There will be more good things to come with everyone's input and enthusiasm...


  1. Great meeting. Nice to meet some new folks face to face. Mayday applications are still open. I just applied.

  2. Hope you don't mind that I snatched the photo for my blog post...
