Oh Fall...Fall!...how I love Fall! (or "Autumn" if you will). The colors, the falling leaves, the scent of woodsmoke in the crisp, cool air...ahhh...bliss. One of my favorite fall treasuries from this week is this one, made by a fellow RNESTer, featuring a number of other RNESTers!

Autumnal Aura by Turtlefly
featuring PeachesProducts, KarenSwimmer, GoldhawkPottery, TheQuiltedHouse, and SarahGOrtiz
Be sure you click on the links below and go see more treasuries that feature some of our other awesome RNEST members! (if you don't, you're missing out!)
Featuring RNEST Members:
- Aubergine Autumn featuring MaticStudio
- The Suspense Is Killing Me! featuring PeachesPictures
- Haunted Fines...Vol 1 featuring PeachesProducts
- I'm Going Gawth featuring SarahGOrtiz
- Last Leaf featuring GoldhawkPottery
- Fall Colors featuring GoldhawkPottery
- In the Garden With Happy and Friends featuring HeatherVitticore
- This Place Is A Zoo featuring HeatherVitticore
- Oh Sweet Garden! How I Love Thee featuring HeatherVitticore
- Itchin' To Go Apple Pickin' by KiraArts, featuring PeachesPictures, FuzzyBunny, and KarenSwimmer
- Cozy Festive Fall by KiraArts, featuring GocksFrocks
Curated by RNEST Members:
- The Etsy Arts & Crafts Movement by SoftShellCrafts
- Cute & Creepy Halloween Monsters! by KiraArts
- The Colors of Autumn by ManicMetals
- Fear by ManicMetals
- Victorian Cabinet of Curiosities by ManicMetals
* If you make or find a treasury that features an RNEST member, or if you are an RNEST Member who makes a treasury, post the link on the wall at RNEST's Facebook Page. Your treasury could be featured on the next Treasury Tuesday!
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