I often feel weird making the featured treasury one that features my own work, but this treasury is beautiful and well-put-together even without my item in it! Plus, it reminds me of the recent hulabaloo and brouhaha a few weeks ago over the Missoni line coming to Target. Pfft! Don't go crazy waiting in line at the store! If you want mod, stripey, multicolored items, this treasury proves that you just have to check out Etsy! And you support independent artists instead of a mega-corporation! (Not that I have anything against shopping at Target...) ;)

Most Beautiful Stripes featuring KiraArts
Be sure you click on the links below and go see more treasuries that feature some of our other awesome RNEST members! (if you don't, you're missing out!) We seemed to have a nice color theme going on this week!
Featuring RNEST Members:
- Baby Blue featuring Buenahelena
- Ice featuring GoldhawkPottery
- Pale Yellow featuring Goldhawk Pottery
- Something Wicked (Cute) This Way Comes! featuring KarenSwimmer & TheQuiltedHouse
Curated by RNEST Members:
- Dreaming In Kelly Green by MaticStudio
* If you make or find a treasury that features an RNEST member, or if you are an RNEST Member who makes a treasury, post the link on the wall at RNEST's Facebook Page. Your treasury could be featured on the next Treasury Tuesday!
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