Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday Wellspring: Our First Monthly Team Challange

A team challenge is a wonderful way to showcase the creativity of the members of this team. This, our first monthly team challenge, is a perfect demonstration of our uniquely creative minds. The theme this month is Alice in Wonderland and each entrant created their masterpiece based on her interpretation of that theme.
Cast your vote for your favorite on the poll on the upper right corner of the blog sidebar. Voting will end March 30th, with the winner announced on March 31st!

And now, in no particular order:
Alice's Teapot by creative.hodge.podge

Mr. White Rabbit by Sarah's Amiables

Mad Hatter's Tea Party Lamp by buenahelenaQueen Of Hearts Tart by Duncan Creativealice's keys by inky star shop

curiouser and curiouser by inky star shop Girl holding easter bunny from the turn of the century by Vintage Holiday Shop Cashmere Harlequin Alice in Wonderland Mittens by EnviroCrafterThe Red Queen's Hot Pads by The Quilted House


  1. Awesome work everyone!!!

  2. love the team challenge idea! i was thinking it might be neat to have a challenge to create a RNEST logo... not that i'm all that graphically savvy, but i know some of the RNESTers are! just a thought :)

  3. my teapot got featured here:

    I put a link to our challenge on that post's comments.
