Monday, June 21, 2010

Make-it Mondays: Get Inspired by TED

Feeling like your in a rut with Etsy or the whole creative process? There are days when I can't find any motivation, but TED never fails to inspire me to do more and be more as a maker. TED is a non-profit group that hosts talks from the greatest minds in the world on technology, entertainment and design. The TED website offers videos of every talk they host FOR FREE, a great brain boost in under 20 minutes.

Videos are categorized by adjective like "beautiful, inspiring and fascinating" or by genre's like design and business (both good for Etsians I might add). One of my favorite talks is by Eva Zeisel, 94 years old and a ceramic designer for over 75 years. If we could all have her creative longevity...

Eva Zeisel on the playful search for beauty | Video on


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